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Today, due to Coronavirus outbreak, lockdown has become imperative and accordingly the
need for Work from Home (WFH) or more precisely working remotely has become the only
solution. The more people are able to manage their business remotely, the more they are
successful in this difficult time. But, working remotely also carries the risk of data privacy
and confidentiality for the organisation.
Hence, we have come up with the below checklist on measures that should be taken to
ensure that there is no risk of Data Privacy and Confidentiality speciality at a time where
Cyber threats and exposures is a wide concern in today’s world.
Measures related to Cyber security should be taken seriously and any Incident on
Cyberattacks should be reported to Incidents Management team for immediate action.
Staff should never share their passwords via
emails or SMS messages.
Organisation should provide Licensed VPN
software to their staffs.
Regular reminders on critical software and
mobile updates should be sent to staffs and
ensure that updates are done timely.
Staff should not call for password resets to IT
team. Email should be used otherwise.
Staff should be clear about the
organisational policies and restrict
themselves from accessing illegal sites on
corporate systems.
Staff should be careful of the organisation’s
reputation when tweeting social messages
on Facebook, Linkedin etc.
Staffs should be careful while checking
emails and no suspicious email (phishing
emails) and/or its links should be opened.
If staff suspects some malicious attempts,
they should immediately reach out to IT
IT Security staff must be vigilant and should
actively address suspicious activities.
Organisation should ensure that Endpoint
security is installed in each system which
should be centrally controlled as per policy.